
English Bowls Umpires Association - April 2024

Sussex County Coordinator;
R (Robin) Machell 01403 268658 [email protected]
International Umpires:  
Carol Bowles 01243 602748
Dave Buttle 01323 720367
National Umpires:  
Mark Bilsby 07787 327904
Terry Boniface 01323 503400
Martyn Cooperman 01273 248535
Wendy Davenport 07710 746367
Robin Machell 01403 268658
Ian Phillips 01798 865279
Denise Staton 07862 276616
Ken Staton 07862 276616

Regional Umpires

Peter Baker 07919 033585
Malcolm Barton 01273 563651
Mark Broadway 01444 215197
Susann Blyth 01243 278931
Gaynor Campbell 07917 529014
Peter Copper 01424 842650
Michael Cross 07779 747014
Wendy Davenport 07710 746367
Arthur Edwards 01275 590174
Geoff Harris 01444 232928
Adrian Heft 07795 174355
Judith Hitchman 01403 267792
Maz Howe 07841 359814
Colin Mardell 01273 593449
Lynn Mardell 01273 593449
Michael Phillips 01323 741030
ElizabethToop 01273 905327
Pam Tottman 01903 410707
Joe Winslett 07855 339017
Ian Wright 01424437262
Level 3 National Markers
Wendy Davenport 07710 746357
Linda Garrett 07818 797876
Judith Hitchman 01403 267792
Robin Machell 01403 268658
Colin Mardell 01273 593449
Lynn Mardell 01273 593449
Paul Thurston 07914 691304
Yvonne Woodcock 01903 778174
Level 2 County Markers:
Frances Baker 07766 688364
Elizabeth Haynes 01903 244816
Maz Howe 07841 359814
Veronica Pickering 01243 539849
Janet Pollitt 07934 857274
Joe Winslett 07855 339017
Level 1 Club Markers:
Linda Arnold 07526 985630
Susann Blyth 01243 278931
Christine Burton 07305 083213
Margaret Carpenter 01424 730619
John Carlyle-Smith 07784 788094
Debbie Cosham 0776 990914
Robert Emery 07809 694069
John Farrell 01323 843355
Dorothy Glasby 01444 454706
Colin Green 07856 095188
Clare Haddad 01403 751677
Adrian Heft 07795 174355
Brian McClelland 07305 874264
Keith Pulling 01323 449641
Sally Pulling 01323 449641
Claire Smith 01323 873115
Colin Smith 01323 472437
Richard Softly 01730 815179
Sheila Stocker 01243 261059
Robert Sutton 07479 185652
David Swainston 01273 303305
Chris Woods 01323 873115
Bowls England Greens Maintenance Advisory Service
The Sussex Representative is:
A (Alan) Waterstone 22 Offington Ave, Worthing,BN14 9PR  01903 265715


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Sussex County Bowls welcomes everyone with an interest in this fascinating sport and opens its doors to prospective members of all ages, abilities and agilities - from juniors to great-grandparents, from absolute beginners to national level players.

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