2024 has flown by and my year as Vice President supporting Micky Young has come to an end and I now move forward and take up office as President of Sussex County Bowls Mens Section. This coming year will be a very busy one but will be one that I aim to enjoy and meet as many of you as possible.
Martin Graham Hyde will be my vice president, and I am confident that I can count on his support. As many of you will know I am a staunch supporter of the Vice Patrons and will continue to try and recruit more promising bowlers to join them and broaden their horizons. Those that already have done so. benefitted from it by playing with a variety of good players and on greens that they normally would not use.
There are some clubs that have been forced to close for various reasons and wherever possible I hope we can all support our sport of bowls and keep the remaining clubs in Sussex flourishing.
My thanks go to my club for my nomination and 2025 will be a challenging time for them as they take over control and maintenance of our greens.
Keep safe and well and enjoy the festive season remembering all those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Peter Copper
My charity for the year is the Tree of Hope who help to transform the health of sick and disabled children where your donations will be gratefully received, so let hope to raise a good sum.
Details can be found at www.treeofhope.org.uk